Shipping & Returns

Deliveries to Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein are made with Swiss Post


Delivery zone: Switzerland (CH) and Principality of Liechtenstein (LI)

Price incl. VAT
Package up to 2 kg CHF 12.-
Package up to 10 kg CHF 15.-
Package up to 30 kg CHF 22.50-
Delivery within Next day


Delivery zone: Switzerland (CH) and Principality of Liechtenstein (LI)

Price incl. VAT
Package up to 2 kg CHF 10.-
Package up to 10 kg CHF 13.-
Package up to 30 kg CHF 20.50-
Delivery within 3-4 Days

Deliveries worldwide with Swiss Post


  • Delivery Zone 1: Belgium (BE), Denmark (DK), Germany (DE), France (FR), Great Britain Northern Ireland (GB), Guernsey (GG), Italy (IT), Jersey ( JE), Luxenburg (LU), Man Island (IM), Monaco (MC), Netherlands (NL), Austria (AT), San Marino (SM), Vatican (VA)
  • Delivery zone 2: Andorra (AD), Estonia (EE), Finland (FI), Ireland (IE), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Norway (NO), Polern (PL), Portugal (PT), Sweden (SE), Slovak Republic (SK), Slovenia (SI), Spain (ES), Czech Republic (CZ), Hungary (HU)
  • Delivery zone 3: Albania (AL), Belarus (BY), Bosnia-Herzogowina (BA), Bulgaria (BG), Faroe Islands (FO), Gibraltar (GI), Greece (GR), Finland (GL), Iceland (IS), Kosovo (XZ), Croatia (HR), Malta (MT), Macedonia (MK), Moldova (MD), Montenegro Republic (ME), North Macedonia, Romania (RO), Russian Federation (RU), Republic of Serbia (RS), Turkey (TR), Ukraine (UA), Cyprus (CY)
  • Delivery Zone 4: American Jungverinsel (VI), American Overseas Islands (UM), Guam (GU), Canada (CA), Mariana Islands (MP), Marshall Islands (MH), Palau (PW) , Puerto Rico (PR), St. Pierre and Miquelon (PM), United States of America (US)
  • Delivery Zone 5: Egypt (EG), Algeria (DZ), Argentina (AR), Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Australia (AU), Bahrain (BH), Brazil (BR ), China (CN), Georgia (GE), Hong Kong (HK), India (IN), Indonesia (ID), Israel (IL), Japan (JP), Yemen (YE), Jordan (JO), Coco Island (Keeling) (CC), Korea, Republic (South Korea) (KR), Kuwait (KW), Lebanon (LB), Malaysia (MY), Morocco (MA), Mexico (MX), New Zealand (NZ), Norfolk -Insel (NF), Oman (OM), Palestine (PS) Philippines (PH), Qatar (QA), Samoa (American part) (AS), Saudi Arabia (SA), Singapore (SG), South Africa (ZA), Taiwan (TW), Thailand (TH), Tokelau (TK), Tunisia (TN), United Arab Emirates (AE), Vietnam (VN)
  • Delivery Zone 6: Afghanistan (AF), Angola (AO), Anguilla (AI), Antigua / Barbuda (AG), Equatorial Guinea (GQ), Aruba (AW), Ethiopia (ET), Bahamas (BS), Bangladesh (BD), Barbados (BB), Belize (BZ), Benin (BJ), Bermuda (BM), Bhutan (BT), Bolivia (BO), Botswana (BW), Brunei ( BN), Burkina Faso (BF), Burundi (BI), Cayman (KY), Chile (CL), Cook Islands (CK), Costa Rica (CR), Curacao (CW), Djibouti (DJ), Dominica (DM), Dominican Republic (DO), Ecuador (EC), El Salvador (SV), Ivory Coast (CI), Eritrea (ER), Falkland Islands (FK), Fiji (FJ), French Guiana ( GF), French Polynesia (PF), Gabon (GA), Gambia (GM), Ghana (GH), Grenada (GD), Guadeloupe (GP), Guatemala (GT), Guinea (Republic) (GN), Guinea-Bissau (GW), Haiti (HT), Honduras (HN), Iraq (IQ), Iran (IR), Jamaica (JM), Cambodia (KH), Cameroon (CM), Cape Verde Islands (CV), Kazakhstan ( KZ), Kenya (KE), Kyrgyzstan (KG), Kiribati (KI), Colombia (CO), Comoros (KM), Ko ngo (Republic) (CG), Congo, Democratic Republic (CD), Korea, Democratic People's Republic (North Korea) (KP), Cuba (CU), Laos (LA), Lesotho (LS), Liberia (LR), Macao (MO ), Madagascar (MG), Malawi (MW), Maldives (MV), Mali (ML), Martinique (MQ), Mauritania (MR), Mauritius, Island (MU), Mayotte (YT), Mongolia (MN), Montserrat (MS), Mozambique (MZ), Myanmar (Union) (MM), Namibia (NA), Nauru (NR), Nepal (NP), New Caledonia (NC), Niger (NE), Nigeria (NG), Nicaragua (NI ), Pakistan (PK), Panama (PA), Papua New Guinea (PG), Paraguay (PY), Peru (PE), Pitcairn (PN), R ea union (RE), Rwanda (RW), Solomon Islands (SB), Zambia (ZM), Samoa, West (WS), Senegal (SN), Seychelles (SC), Sierra Leone (SL), Sri Lanka (LK), St. Christoph (St. Kitts) and Nevis (KN), St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (SH), St. Lucia (LC), St. Maarten (SX), St. Thomas and Principe (ST), St. Vincent and Grenadines (St. VC), Sudan (SD), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GS), South Sudan (SS), Suriname (SR), Swaziland (SZ), Tajikistan (TJ), Tanzania (TZ), Timor Leste (TL), Togo (TG), Tonga (TO), Trinidad and Tobago (TT), Chad (TD), Turkmenistan (TM), Turks and Caicos (TC), Tuvalu (TV), Uganda (UG), Uruguay (UY), Uzbekistan (UZ), Vanuatu (VU), Venezuela (VE), Virgin Islands, British Part (Tortola) (VG), Wallis and Futuna (WF), Christmas Island (CK), Central Africa (CF ), Zimbabwe (ZW)

Delivery Zone 1

Price incl. VAT

Delivery Zone 2

Price incl. VAT

Delivery Zone 3

Price incl. VAT

Delivery Zone 4

Price incl. VAT

Delivery Zone 5

Price incl. VAT

Delivery Zone 6

Price incl. VAT
Package up to 500 g CHF 19.50- CHF 19.50- CHF 19.50- CHF 23.50- CHF 23.50- CHF 23.50-
Package up to 1 kg CHF 25.50- CHF 25.50- CHF 25.50- CHF 34.50- CHF 34.50- CHF 34.50-
Package up to 2 kg CHF 36.- CHF 40.- CHF 42.- CHF 49.- CHF 53.- CHF 58.-
Package up to 5 kg CHF 46.- CHF 51.- CHF 57.- CHF 69.- CHF 78.- CHF 89.-
Package up to 10 kg CHF 52.- CHF 61.- CHF 68.- CHF 92.- CHF 113.- CHF 137.-
Package up to 15 kg CHF 59.- CHF 73.- CHF 83.- CHF 119.- CHF 151.- CHF 187.-
Package up to 20 kg CHF 65.- CHF 83.- CHF 95.- CHF 147.- CHF 193.- CHF 247.-
Package up to 25 kg CHF 71.- CHF 93.- CHF 110.- CHF 174.- CHF 228.- CHF 297.-
Package up to 30 kg CHF 76.- CHF 103.- CHF 123.- CHF 197.- CHF 258.- CHF 337.-
Delivery within 3-5 Days 3-5 Days 3-6 Days 4-10 Days 5-15 Days 10-30 Days

Pick up yourself

Collection from the model shop in Affoltern a.A.

If you choose the self-collection delivery method, you can collect the goods directly from us in the model shop.

We will reserve the goods for you, which will be available for you to collect for 20 days

Please make an appointment or visit us during regular opening hours

Copyright © 2020 Setec HTM AG Modellshop